XBox 360 Day 1

Okay so I've finally managed to get a hold of a XBox 360. MS has had some serious supply problems with this thing making it real tough to get one down here. I figured I'd wait until the PS3 came and pick one of those up...until I heard the price quoted at E3 $600?!?!?!? Forget that. So here's the plan I pick up a XBox 360 now at $400 and then buy the PS3 when prices come down...I mean they really have to come down. So I get the thing home haven't even bought a game yet (have to do some research before I buy one). Open it up...

It's not THAT big...I thought it was white...gray is cool. F**K ME (parental edit :) )!!! That's just the power brick.

Sweet so I've got it hooked it's time to turn it on...I imagine there's going to be some kind of configuration for this. Hmmmm no power light...and no video to the TV. Ugggh. Read the manual...I don't like reading help, ack. Surf the web...I like surfing the help. Time to call customer support...I HATE calling customer support. So I call, I wait for 5 hours to get a voice, actually I only wait through 5 minutes of XBox Live ads, I can live with that. You know I'd really love to try XBox live if I could power on my XBox, I think that's a fair trade. I get somebody named Vanessa on the line very nice, very quick call, do everything I just did over again. She asks if wall outlet works, I ask if she wants to hear the vaccum to prove it. All in all the call lasted just under 15 minutes. But the machine is still not on and I have box being sent to me to pack the console. I asked if she was sure she didn't want the power supply. That's my guess as to the culprit. Anything that big has to have lots of moving parts (yes I know power supplies aren't gonna have moving parts)...and a small supply of heavy water. So on day one no joy well see how long this takes, her estimate is 10 to 14 days, uggh. Mine then is 20 to 28 because I think I'm going to have to send a power supply after I get a console back saying there wasn't anything wrong. Well I'll keep you all informed. Time for Tylenol.
So there's no blinken lights on the power brick? That strikes me as odd, for something that big. I mean, it's roughly a quarter city block, they should really be providing some kind of status for it.
I thought you said they had someone on the line in 45 seconds?
Calling me out on my own blog with inside information :) okay I see how it is. If you recall, during my call I waffled (damn no presidency) a little bit. I initially said under 45 seconds then said maybe well maybe about a minute and no more than 5. Hence the five minutes I have in my post...In any case it was VERY quick for customer support so I give them props for that. The total time of the call is acurate I checked the time on my phone...14:38.
I imagine the PS3 prices will come down before release - I believe they did the same kinda thing with the PS2.
That really sucks ... maybe you can bring the brick (and I do mean BRICK) into work for a quick power check? At least you'd know if you should 'send it along anyways' :)
Did Halo or any 'base game' come with it? I imagine you'd want to play something once the light comes on. games, or demos even. They want to squeeze for'll have to see the next post.
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