
Well apparently Google made the challenge too simplistic. I may have to lay ground rules next time. Google is evil, I just like saying that. The correct answer was of course Dogma. This comedy takes iconclastic images that's made the Da Vinci Code popular as of late and gives them a noogie and a wedgie. Really, tell me which is more sacraligous Jesus has a child by Mary Magdelene perpetuating the holy lineage, oooorrrr, Mary and Joseph get busy after Jesus is born (to save the marriage of course) producing siblings which continue the Christ family lineage. The gene tree eventually branches to a family practice clinic doctor who is tasked by an angel to save existence. Yeah that kind of clinic. Ohh and George Carlin is a cardinal in the Catholic church. God is, well I'm gonna leave this a surprise in case somebody's not seen it, who happens to love skee ball. Chris Rock is an apostle and Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are angels. If this is not revolting to Catholics well then I don't know what is. Now if you can set any religous inclinations aside for 2 hours this movie rocks. On a scale of Forget it, Borrow it, Buy it, definitly buy it. I know it has Ben Affleck and Matt Damon...but it's good I swear on a stack of holy bibles :). You'll need to watch this a few times to catch all the different aspects and angles the movie throws in.
On a serious note, despite the description its not an attack specifically on Catholicism so to speak, more and indictment of absolute and unchanging dogma hence the title. It tries to lay the ground work in the beginning of the movie that the ideas which come after apply to every religion. However the predominant well, only, target is the Catholic church. Why? More than likely it's because more Americans will relate to this one specific religion more than any other. It's older than protestants (gee imagine that) and really hasn't updated it's style in 2000 years...though they did drop Latin. I also think it may be more open to self criticism than some other religions. A movie focusing on Judaism might have drawn the wrong kind of agreement, not an open minded discussion but closed minded hate mongering. Now being a non-practicing Catholic myself of course all of this is pure opinion. What the hell, this a blog, the whole damn thing is an f'ing opinion (you thought I was going to say it didn't you). I've heard mumblings of a sequel being made. If it's to be done, now is the time. Though I might focus on religious intolerance in the new one as opposed to a new religion's belief structure. Ohh and next time include a shot of the noble platypus.
The most disturbing thing is Alanis Morissette as God ... *shiver*.
This was a good movie. Did you only just recently see it? Or has the Da Vinci Code crazyness prompted it?
I've owned this for about a year now...I just rewatched it because of the Da Vinci Code. Personally I think the most disturbing thing was Chris Rock naked, "Dude, his piece is gonna' be rubbin' up in your armor."
Ohh yeah I just found out you type in the quote "Dude, his piece is gonna' be rubbin' up in your armor." I come up third in google. Golgotha demon yeah.... Take a look
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