News Flash: R2-D2 Checks into rehab.

After recent pictures surfaced of R2-D2, with beer in thing, wildly dancing with a Gamorrean, in a gold bikini, the droid has announced he is entering rehab. Unfortunately due to the grotesque nature of the Gamorrean pictures, this news source has decided to run on only the most news worthy photo of R2-D2 imbibing Miller Genuine Draft. This conclusive proof of R2's addictive behavior leaves only one question. Why not Guinness? It's the closest to thing to motor oil out there.
Edit 8:27 1/30/2007: Okay apparently I was a little too obscure in the Gamorrean reference. Two geeks who I was sure would get it drew blank faces...for those who need to look it up it's here courtesy of wookiepedia :)
Maybe they were secretly for 3PO? He strikes me as more of a MGD man.
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