Class in Session
Hobby number 1 for those keeping score at home is fairly recent. Currently I'm taking lessons to learn how to play guitar. I've been taking lessons for ohhh 10 weeks and trying to play for 6 months. Nothing spectacular just the basics. I've got a real good guitar, a G&L ASAT Special , much like a Fender Telecaster. The L in G&L stands for Leo Fender who created the company after he left Fender and worked there until he passed away. His wife still continues to hold some sort of position there and still signs the COA's that come with the guitars. The guitar itself is absolutely incredible. Haven't learned how to describe guitar tones, probably because I haven't been exposed to too many guitars yet, but I know what I like. This I like. The amp is a Hughes and Kettner Edition Blue solid state amp. I like the fact I can get plenty of distortion without annoying the neighbors. Plus it's got a nifty blue glow to the top cover plate....for the nerd in me. Overall it's a good setup that runs about $1500. So any way today is lesson day...I've been working HARD to try learn the assignment...god it feels like school all over again. If anybody's got some advice on good equipment to check out I'm all ears. Alot of the fun is trying to discover the different sounds you can get from different equipment and setups.

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